Business Matters December 2015

Read the entire issue of Business Matters.

It’s not that often that an article on personal finances starts with a discussion about New Year’s resolutions!  The Personal Finance article wants you to do a lot of reviewing.  Review your investments – unregistered, registered and RRIF.  Review your mortgage.  Invest the time to know where you are at and then plan so that you end up where you want to be.

The Technology article talks about a particular type of marshmallow.  Full disclosure – I didn’t know that Google had introduced a mobile operating device called “Marshmallow”.   I still have an ancient Blackberry.  The article is mostly concerned about security.  A good read.  Particularly note the last paragraph – do not go cheap for your business.


There definitely are tax benefits for the self-employed.  This article provides a good overview of the types of expenses that can be claimed.  Remember to keep receipts and document how you arrived at the amount for non-arm’s wages, etc.  A great read for those that already are and those that are contemplating becoming self-employed.

The Moneysaver article also has a less than top of the list (for most people) topic when it comes to saving money – lack of sleep.  I’m not sure about the statistics quoted in the first paragraph but the article definitely makes the case that lack of sleep can result in substantial losses for businesses.  There is no magic solution to this issue, employers can’t control personal choices, but there are some things businesses can do.  Read on!

That’s it. We hope you enjoy this edition of Business Matters.  Previous editions can be viewed here on our website.

May you enjoy the upcoming holiday season and have some great times with family, friends and co-workers.

Best regards,
