Business Matters October 2015

Read the entire issue of Business Matters.

Please see the above link to the October edition of Business Matters. Some interesting and very relevant material in the articles.

It seems scams of all different types are very common these days. The first article concerns fraud prevention specifically the telephone call or email from a “pretend” CRA agent. We have had several calls from clients regarding this scam. CRA DOES NOT EMAIL TAXPAYERS. Never respond to an email supposedly from CRA. If you receive a phone call that is suspicious, hang up. If the call seems legitimate do not engage in a conversation. Request the CRA agent to communicate in writing his/her request. Requests that are received in writing should be forwarded to our office for review before responding.

The MONEY SAVER article discusses tracking expenses by vehicle and is geared specifically towards trucking companies BUT the principals discussed could be applied to any large piece of equipment. A very good discussion about capturing all costs when doing your analysis. Always remember one of the golden business rules - know thy costs!

Although I’m sure that staff occasionally think that I am quite hard of hearing, our workplace is not very noisy. What about yours? If necessary do you have a good Personal Protection Equipment program in place? Everyone wants to ensure that staff work in a safe environment. Read on.

Although the TAXATION article is geared towards individuals who are making donations it is also very relevant for charitable organizations because it discusses gifts in kind and proper receipting procedures. I think most of us have some sort of personal connection or personal knowledge of the charities we support but even so this article is still worth the read.

That’s it!

The fall weather has been super so far. Let’s remember to get out and enjoy it. Any Blue Jays fans out there?

HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Have a great long weekend!